Committed to
providing excellent
services to the highest
possible standard

Since its inception in 2014, NXT has grown at an astonishing rate,
supporting hundreds of people in achieving their career goals and
businesses in growing and achieving the vision.

We sincerely care about what we do and focus on providing a personal
service, engaging with our customers at every stage, and building lasting
relationships with the people whom we support.

Want to find out more about who makes up our wonderful company?
Click here to meet the team.

The answer to all your
recruitment solutions

NXT offers various recruitment solutions to suit the needs of
your business and the nature of the role you are looking to fill.
These include: Permanent Staffing Solutions, Short-term Staffing
Solutions, and Short-term to Permanent Staffing Solutions.

The importance of succession planning

The more we know about your business, your requirements and your future plans, the easier it will be for us to: help you to progress your ideas, source appropriate candidates, and keep an eye out for potential employees who may be of benefit to your organisation. Regular contact with NXT will ensure that we are always prepared to react at a moment’s notice with your Succession Plan in mind.
Advantage one

You rely on staff to carry out the mission and vision of the business and to accomplish the associated goals. The loss of a key employee or employees can undermine your ability to accomplish these important objectives, but effective Succession Planning will ensure you are never left in the lurch. You will always have a plan – as you have already been proactive in preparing it, instead of reacting when it is too late.

Advantage two

Training and developing internal employees is a key element of the Succession Plan. Your employees will see a future with your business and will appreciate the opportunities for career progression and development! Employees who know that an organisation is actively considering their career path and development are likely to be more engaged and enthused. As well as receiving a boost to their self-esteem, they feel more valued as employees, which in turn increases appreciation and organisational loyalty. Career development and career opportunity is is one of the areas that employees want most from their employer! Plus, employers who identify and invest in training requirements will ensure their staff are always confident, ready and prepared for progression, the moment the opportunity arises.

Advantage three

By involving a recruitment partner in your Succession Plan, they will be aware in advance of your business history, description and potential requirements which inevitably speeds up any recruitment process. Working together in a long term collaboration, you will also be kept informed of talented individuals who may be looking for a career move, and also of any skills shortages in the recruitment sector that may be on the horizon and which may affect your business.

Advantage four

You will be one step ahead of the competition! There are still a large number of businesses that do not consider succession planning. Those who do, follow a smooth trajectory, dealing with any employment vacancies or company expansion with ease without these issues halting progress, diverting attention or stymieing growth plans. succession planning will ensure you are already prepared to respond to any change in an agile manner!

Case Study

Why wait? Let’s get started
on growing your business...

An extensive review of registered candidates was conducted, alongside accelerated advertising via web and social media of the position and the subsequent screening of new applicants…