Recruitment Challenges in Cumbria
Recruiting in Cumbria is always going to be relatively difficult.
Cumbria possesses an ageing population, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), with the number of working age residents projected to reduce significantly.
This, combined with a low overall headcount – circa 500,000 (according to ONS 2017 population estimates) – low levels of unemployment, plus a large footprint, including many sparsely populated and difficult to reach areas, only adds to the difficulty.
Throw in large numbers of graduates leaving the county – the well-publicised “brain drain” – and this can create the recruitment equivalent of the perfect storm.
But it’s not insurmountable! Great efforts are being made by local government and communities to turn the tide – to publicise Cumbria and its incomparable (okay, we’re biased) landscapes, countryside and business opportunities, with a view to both attracting and retaining talent.
Recruitment, however, can still be a headache for the average local company, particularly in high-demand areas such as engineering and other specialist trades. This is where we come in.
How NXT can help find the best talent for your business
We don’t consider ourselves to be your typical (or stereotypical) recruitment agency. We’ve worked hard to set ourselves apart – in fact, redesigning the face of recruitment was the whole purpose behind the creation of NXT.
We acknowledge there can be a preconception that it’s easier, just as good, or cheaper for a company to manage its own recruitment, and that an agency is simply going to “stick an advert out there” and wait for the CVs to roll in before handing any resulting applications over, but this is absolutely not our modus operandi.
We are specialists in our field, and can assist from start to finish, with as much or as little assistance as an organisation requires.
Whether it’s designing job adverts, publicising far and wide, screening, interviewing, scouring our database, headhunting, succession planning, or helping to restructure an entire operation, we can do it all.
But it’s our personal touch, and reviewing the “person” behind the CV that really sets us apart. We meet every single candidate, sometimes several times over, plus we’ll proactively seek and approach that “perfect for you” candidate. The magic is in the matching.
Jason Hodgson, a director of NXT Recruitment, says: “We are a proactive recruitment agency and actively headhunt people – many of whom were not considering changing jobs until we contacted them. This is where we really add value to our clients; we find the people a business wouldn’t have found relying on adverts alone.”
Granted, DIY recruiting may be cheaper initially but once you consider the time required for the entire process it can be a false economy.
Often organisations simply don’t have sufficient or specialist resources available – and rushed actions and any resulting mistakes can be extremely costly.
Therefore, the price of an agency versus the true cost of recruiting yourself once time, effort and expertise are taken into account, is negligible – or we believe, at the very least, excellent value for money.
But don’t take our word for it, call us for a chat on 01228 812 585…there’s no charge to discuss our many services and the options open to you – no chargin’ for askin’.