NXT Recruitment Partners with Family Business Network

FamBiz Recruitment Specialist recruitment services for family businesses

As part of our range of services for family businesses, we have combined our knowledge, experience and contacts within the sector with the recruitment expertise of partners, NXT Recruitment to bring you a unique service for your family business recruitment needs.

Finding the right talent for the right roles can have a hugely positive impact on a business, helping to achieve growth and change. However this is not usually a straightforward, easy process. It can take some time to correctly identify what talent a business needs before commencing a search.

FamBiz Recruitment was created to provide a quality recruitment service specifically tailored to the unique needs of family businesses. We have a wealth of experience in dealing with family businesses from all sectors and of all sizes and configurations,  along with the unique challenges they present. We use this knowledge and experience to hold those important initial conversations with a family business, before creating a brief for our recruitment partners, NXT Recruitment.

There are many factors that come into play when recruiting external talent for a family business.  As well as financial and strategic implications, there can be emotional challenges too. Our knowledge and understanding of the various implications and processes involved gives us the expertise to help identify the key requirements whilst helping to smooth the journey.


Call us on  01228 812 585 or email at [email protected]

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